Opportunities with VCTU
VCTU meets 3 or more times a year, and currently meets via Zoom. For more information about these positions, please email Jim Wilson.
Treasurer - The VA Council seeks someone who is interested in serving as our Treasurer. You can expect to have a transition period (3-6 months) where you apprentice under the tutelage of the current Treasurer—with the expectation that you ultimately take on the full responsibilities of the position. The Treasurer tracks income and expenses and provides quarterly reports to the Council Executive Committee. The Treasurer also files an annual report to TU and tracks the chapter annual report submittals. Please contact Jim Wilson, Council Chair for more information - jwilsonnvatu@gmail.com.
TU Virginia Council Representative to the Dept. of Wildlife Resources - The Council is looking for a volunteer who can attend Board meetings at the DWR in Richmond. This will help TU build a working relationship with the DWR, plus like-minded sporting groups that attend. This person will bring issues of interest back to the Council for review and comment. Meetings are held in the mornings at the DWR headquarters building in Richmond, which is located north of Richmond near the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden (7870 Villa Park Drive). If the individual who volunteers is not available to attend all meetings, the Council will be to assist with substitutes.
Communications Committee Chair - The Council is reviving the VA Conservationist newsletter and this committee is responsible for continuing that effort as well as determining how best to use other tools like email and social media to communicate with VA chapters and their members on state-level issues. It is expected that at least two members who work on the Council newsletter would be on this committee under the direction of the Chair.
VCTU Grant Program
The Virginia Council of Trout Unlimited (VCTU) will budget $5,000 annually starting in 2024 for projects that best support the needs following the Trout Unlimited (TU) protect, reconnect, restore, and sustain cold water conservation model. See the attached form for submitting a proposal.